
Top 100 Tracks of 2010

You know that saying about opinions being like assholes? I think the sanctity of opinion is a little too well-protected. Listen to talk radio for 10 minutes and you'll know what I mean. But this is why I love top song/movie/album lists. In a world full of opinions best kept in the corner booth at Tim Horton's, "best-of" lists are opinions well worth sharing. They're a chance for people to discover new stuff and to think about what they cared about over the past year. Or, in my case, get people to make their own lists. It's a nice way to quantify your personal year in music, football, fashion, boat building, world news or whatever.

My first list is all of the new music I've had the pleasure of pumping through my Audibaun, Beats, or desktop speakers at work over the past year. Obviously a lot of older material was a big part of my 2010, but it was also part of my 2009, 2001 or 1994. This list only contains tracks released sometime in the last year. I know there's plenty of allegedly good stuff missing because I didn't get to some acclaimed albums (see Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene and The National); this is just what stuck with me.

Please add, subtract, suggest, or best of all, make you own list and share it with me.